برهانيات كوم
The Burhaniya Disuqiya Shadhuliya is the sufi order (tariqa) of Sayyidi Ibrahim Qurashi Disuqi (13th Century A.D.), the forth of the great sufi sheikhs and founders of sufi orders (aqtab). In the spiritual line (silsila) of the Burhaniya sheikhs traces back to the Prophet Mohammed (s.). The most important chain links are:• Sayyidi al Shaikh Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Osman• Sayyidi al Shaikh Ibrahim Mohamed Osman• Sayyidi al Shaikh Mohamed Osman Abdu al Burhani• Sayyidi Ahmad Arabi al Sharnubi• Sayyidi Musa Abu al Umran• Sayyidi Ibrahim al Qurashi al Disuqi• Sayyidi Abul Hasan al Shazuli• Sayyidi Abdu al Salam ibn Bashish• Sayyiduna wa Maulana al Imam al Husain • Sayyiduna wa Maulana al Imam al Ali • Ziyadatan fi Scharaf al Musafa, salla'llahu alaihi wa sallamThe name of our tariqa relates to• Burhan - the name of Sayyidi Ibrahim in the Hadra meditation • Disuq - the town of Sayyidi Ibrahim in the north of Egypt• Shadhuli - Sayyidi Ibrahim's uncle Sayyidi Abul Hasan al ShazuliThe Tariqa Burhaniya has spread out in the time of Sayyidi Fahruddin Sheikh Mohamed Osman Abduh al Burhani († 1983) and his son Sayyidi Sheikh Ibrahim Sheikh Mohamed Osman († 2003) . Today, under the leadership of Sheikh Mohamed Sheikh Ibrahim Sheikh Mohamed Osman, there are many thousand followers and hundreds of Burhani communities all over the world .The spreading of Tariqa Burhaniya in the last decades is grounded in a rich heritage. This section is giving some accounts of the Burhaniya history.