Levantages and sunsets
Suite of Ana fi ana inni
Transmission of divine and prophetic manifestations,
Suite of Ana fi ana inni
Transmission of divine and prophetic manifestations,
- Allah dit dans la Fatiha "iyak naboudou wa iyyaka nastain"
- Le Coran selon Sidi Fakhreddin Al-Kahf: 61 “Puis lorsque tous deux eurent atteint le confluent”
- Le Coran selon Sidi Fakhreddin “Moïse ressentit quelque peur en lui-même”. (Taha:67)
Levantages and sunsets
Suite of Ana fi ana inni
Transmission of divine and prophetic manifestations,
1- Al muzzamil: 9
"Lord of the Sunrise and the Sunset"
The Lord is of course Allah blessed be His name. Allah is the sunrise, and the sunset is Prophet Muhammad SAWS, for he is the only one who can withstand the magnificence of direct divine manifestations.
2- Al Rahman: 17
"Lord of the two sunrises and Lord of the two sunsets"
This verse is about Sayyidina Al Hassan and Sayyidina al Hussain. Prophetic manifestations are revealed to them and in this case the prophet SAWS is a sunrise and seeing that they are receivers they are both sunsets. But seeing that in turn they will have to transmit what they have received, to the seven redoubled (mathani), so from the perspective of the seven redoubled they are the two sunrises.
3- Al Maarij: 40
"Lord of the sunrises and the Sunsets"
These are the seven mathani whose turn it is to receive the revelations and manifestations of the "two sunrises" mentioned above. They then become in turn "the sunsets". But once they have in turn passed on what they have received to the rest of the creation, they will in their turn be sunrises and the rest of creation will be sunsets.
Khaled Farid
- Enseignements de nos maitres
- Salat Ibn Bashish Par Mawlana Sidi Fakhreddin
- Le Coran selon les enseignements de Sidi Fakhreddin
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