برهانيات كوم
Haulyia Speech 2014Mawlana Imam Sheikh Muhammed Ibrahim Muhammed Uthman Abdu al Burhani On the occasion of the 31th Hawliya for Mawlana al Imam Fakhruddin Sheikh Muhammad Uthman Abdu al Burhani and of the 10th Hawliya for Mawlana Sheikh Ibrahim Muhammad Uthman Abdu al Burhani Khartoum, April 2, 2014-----------------In the name of Allah …
We thank Allah, the Creator of dawn and morning, the reason of guide and rightness , who judged the dome and happiness, (he) honored and lifted high , spread and collected, joined and separated, prohibited and permit, owned and judged, rolled up and spread, created humans, created shadows, raised the sky and brought down Water, taught Adam the Asmas (the names), raise winds gave and granted, granted and admired, forgave who sinned, healed wonds, got the knowledge of past and present , created movement and calmness, and to him is the going back, settling in the morning and day. I witness his Wahdaniya(being the only God )by correct proofs, and that our master and intercessor Mohamed is his forward servant and his greatest messenger, and his honorable lover. Who we are ready to protect by our souls *S. … and also for Sidna Abu Bakr, his partner in the cave, and to Sidna Omar, the concur of countries, and to Sidna Othman, the martyr, and to Sidna Ali, the Father of al Hasaneen, the one that always charging on the enemy, and his Family the pure, the Stars.
My Lovers in Allah…
And then:
Allah Said in the Quran>Surat Al-Ĥadīd(57) Verse (20) : {…And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.}
Know, may Allah help both of us, thatthe worldly life is a place of delusion, and it is a place to pass through not a place for ever stay. And life is full of continues trials and warnings, and the human is exposed for testing to learn, He is put under test and affliction wither with good or else, if it is a good thing we should be thankful, and if not then we should be patient. The Prophet*S.said [what is a surprise for the believer’s matters, all his matters are good, and this is only for the believer, if he receive good thing he is thankful, which is good for him, and if he receive misfortune he is patient, which is also good for him]
Ibn Abbas *Rsaid: that the prophet*Ssaid: [a lot of people are deceived by the two blessings health and free time]We waste a lot of our time, while we are in full health and power, without benefiting from it, or making any body else to benefit from it. And we don’t find out and appreciate it until we are ill or during illness, and inability to undertake important duty towards Allah. And we may get busy looking for money for us and our families until we miss a lot of what we should do. If the End comes, we regret. Allah Saied: Surat Al-Mu'minūn(23) Verse (99,100) {[For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back(99) That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind." No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected(100)}. And he also Said :Surat Al-Munāfiqūn (63) Verse (10){before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.}
Son of Adam, do you know what the Engel of death say when you are laid down to be prepared for barrier. He calls you and says: So deaf (you are now), where is your Hearing, so blind (you are now), where is your Seeing, So dumb where is your tongue, where is your good smell, what changed you, so poor (you are now) where is your money.And when your have been put in the grave the Engelcall you: Son of Adam, did you collect the worldly life or did the worldly life collected you, did you leave the world, or did the world left you, Son of Adam, where you prepared for death or where you taken by surprise. Son of Adam, you came from dust, and come back to dust, , Came from dust with no Sins, and went back full of Sins, after Barrier people left you to spend your first night (in the grave), the morning of which is the Judgment day, a night after which no call for Fajr Prayer, The prayer finished, the prayers finished, worshipping is finished, the call will come from Israfiel : saying: you eaten away bones, you scattered flesh, get up for judgment, in the presence of Allah.Allah Said: Surat Al-Kahf (18) Verse (99) {…and [then] the Horn will be blown, and We will assemble them in [one] assembly.} and he also says: Surat Al-Kahf (18) Verse (47) {…, and We will gather them and not leave behind from them anyone.}. When the first night in grave comes, you will be called on by the King of Kings, and the Owner off all Kingdoms, saying: Son of Adam: they went back and left you in the dust buried, and if they were stay, they went be of any help to you. It is only Me left for you the one who never dies. Son of Adam: who humble himself to Allah, he will raise him up, who think to much of himself Allah will lower him down.My worshipper, you obeyed us so we brought you nearer, you disobeyed us and We gave you more time, and if you come back we accept you, Me with human and Jin are in great matters, I create and then they worship others than me, I give and others than me are being thanked, My giving for the worshippers is coming down, and there evil is coming up to me, I show my love to them by my giving, and I am not in a need for anybody, Through Sins they go angry away from me and they are in need of me most, Who come back we call him from a near place, and who get far away from me I call him from so far,.People of Zekr are the people of my worshipping,People who are thankful to me, are the one who are getting more, People who obeys me, are the one who loves me, People who disobey me, I will still be merciful to them if they come back. And if they come back I am there Lover, I love who returns back from sinning, and the ones that get cleanse, And if they not come back, I am there mender, through mishap to cleanse them. A good doing worth Ten times and more, and one bad doing worth one alike and I forgive, I am more merciful to my worshippers, than a mother to her child,Allahuma (please Allah) forgive us so we may repent.
Lovers of the Prophet *S.
We always look for what we miss, and forget to be thankful for what we already have. We look for what has been taken away, and don’t look for what we have been given. Surat An-Naml (27) Verse (73) {And indeed, your Lord is full of bounty for the people, but most of them do not show gratitude.}.
You Believer know that Allah made you sad only to make you happier, and stopped giving only to give you more, make you weep to make you laugh. And refused to give you only to give you. Gave you mishap only because he loves you. So it is nice to be content by what Allah wants, and be grateful and thankful for every thing. . Allahamumma,the great nice thanking for you, Allahumma what I got is from you and you only , no equal to you. No one to worship but you, Praise to you , I was one of the oppressors .
Know that you can not receive what Allah have except by being obedient and patient inmishaps. We must look in ourselves, and judge ourselves, and get to our Religion’s Manners not just the Name. We say what the Islam says, but we moved away from it with our manners and understanding, and we used others than the Islam, and we all know that the core of Islam is being obedient to Allah, Hadith: Abu AmroSufianIbn Abdullah Al Thakafiwanted to know what is Islam, so he said to the Prophet *S: Tell me something about Islam so I don’t have to ask any body else after this than you. He (the Propeht S*) said:[Say I believe in Allah, and stay, and stay on that]
My Lovers,
Allah Says:Surat Al-Mā'idah (5) Verses (15,16) { … There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.(15) By which Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darknesses into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path.(16)} And He the almighty also says: Surat Al-'A`rāf (7) Verses (55,56) {Call upon your Lord in humility and privately; indeed, He does not like transgressors.(55) And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good.(56)}Corruption in this world has being until the coming prophet of mercy, so he lit the way and showed it to us, the devils of Jin and Human started of spreading different type of corruptions, Allah says: Surat Al-'An`ām (6) Verse (112,113) {And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.(112) And [it is] so the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter will incline toward it and that they will be satisfied with it and that they will commit that which they are committing.(113)}This Corruptionwether in the belief orin the manners, or thebehavior , or in the dealings or in anyway, any way of life ways, by sinning or disobeying Allah’s Shariaa. Allah Says: SuratAr-Rūm(30) Verse(41){Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]} Maybe the greatest (of that Corruption) isannouncing Polytheist, Some think that humanity can not stay on Al-Kitab( Quran) and As-Sunna, and they think that there is no need for them any more and they should be rejected, and other Low should be used.. All these are the Corruption that Allah prohibited and forbid.
Enemies of Islam wanted to spread the sins among our youth, by bringing them away from the right path, by making the dirty deeds look beautiful and seducible. It is nice to a see a good young man with a good will, holding the love of his Prophet *S and people can see this in his good manners and behavior, but it is more beautiful for the Muslim to tell the truth. And the noblest type of truth is with Allah, in a way that his Inside is more beautiful than the outside, and his lonely time with Allah is more beautiful (truthful) than when it public to every one, and I warn you brother, to put Allah in a place that as if he is the most easy one to disobey. And to answer the call of the devil.““ don’t be a very loud enemy to Iblis (the Devil ) in the Crowd, and a friend of him in the private”” Allah said :Surat An-Nisā' (4) Verse (108) {They conceal [their evil intentions and deeds] from the people, but they cannot conceal [them] from Allah , and He is with them [in His knowledge]} This sins which are done privately are the most damaging, and burn away good doings. It was said about the Prophet *S. that he said:[I know about people from my nation that come on the Judgment day with good deeds, like the white Mountains of Tehamaa (a place) and Allah turn it into a fine dust… ]So the sahabiThawban asked the Prophet *S. to describe them, so they can make sure they are not one of them, so he said: [They are your brothers from your own skin, and they take from the night as much as you do, but when they are by themselves they break Allah’s prohibited (what Allah prohibited to do)].
Allahumma(please Allah) don’t let us be one of those. But make us from: Quran: Surat Al-Mulk (67) Verses (12,13){ …,those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and great reward.(12) And conceal your speech or publicize it; indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts.(13)}
When you close your doors, and bring down your curtains, and be away from people eyes, don’t forget, and remember the one you could not hide away from. Remember who can see and hear the movement of a blackAnt, in the middle of a dark night, on a solid Rock ,Subhanu the honorable.
My Brothers and My Sisters.
Allah says: SuratFāţir(35) Verse(32){Then we caused to inherit the Book those We have chosen of Our servants; and among them is he who wrongs himself, and among them is he who is moderate, and among them is he who is foremost in good deeds by permission of Allah . That [inheritance] is what is the great bounty.} Allah created Human with the love of good deeds, and put within us a Lion which is ready to jump on to good doings, we should inspire him (that lion), and makes him come out, we also have within us a good nice forgivable human being, we suppose to discover him, a human that carry with him all meaning of humanity, such as mercy, nice peaceful, forgivable, good doing, but the busy worldly life could change us, that we could forget ourselves and oppress ourselves, and we are looking for safety and to get that great honor of good doing, how could we do that?Allah put some conditions when he says: Surat Al-Mu'minūn (23) Verses (57-61) {Indeed, they who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord(57) And they who believe in the signs of their Lord (58) And they who do not associate anything with their Lord (59) And they who give what they give while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord –(60) It is those who hasten to good deeds, and they outstrip [others] therein.(61)}
Hadith: SittunaAisha*R.said: she asked him (the Prophet) about that Verse: are these the onesdrinkingalcohols and steal from people?He *S.said: [ no Daughter of the Siddik, they are the ones who fast, pray, and give sadaka, and they are afraid that it may be not accepted from them, these are the ones who harry to do good things] InthatmeaningAl Imam Al Hasan Al Bisri said: “the believeris who have Ihsanand fear, and the hypocrite has Bad doing and peace.”
They are (those good poepole) with there good deeds, and believes and good doings, still fear from Allah. And these are the Ones already Allah gave them happiness, and getting this happiness will not come without the fear, and dedication in doing what you suppose to do or you ordered to do, and distance yourselves from the sins. this is the description of those who harry in good doings and some of their merits, and what lead you to it. What is left now is to follow this knowledge with deeds, May Allah make us of them.
Dear Lovers,
Tens of Verses of Quran came calling for a fellowship and its manners, and followed by Hadiths from the Prophet*S. both kinds of themQuduseya(tellings about Allah) and Nabaweya( directly from the Prophet) telling us about the importance of the fellowship and getting good manners. Until every one that got Muslim in the time of the Prophet *S. got the Honor of the felloship. They are the Sahabas, the chosen people, they are the follower for the best of the creation and the love of Allah. He *S. was the Best Sahabi to his Sahabaand his community. And he is the great example in the benefit for the people and community, as he was described by Saiyda Khadija mother of the Believers:“You keep in touch with your family, and carry the hardship, and you give who in need, host guests, and give help to people in Hardships.”
And The Prophet *S. described a good friend as a man carrying Musk, you get from his nice smell, because of what he have of good manners; he asks you to do the good, and till you not to do the bad, . He *S. said.:{the Example of a good company and a bad company is like who is carrying Musk and the one melting Metall. The one carrying Musk either he give you or you buy from him or you smell his nice smell. The one who is melting metal, either he burns your clothes or you get his bad smell. }
Al Imam Al Kushayri Said: a company (fellowship) has 3 types: - One higher than you, which is actually a service- One is below you ; and for the higher one he has to be merciful and kind and the one below has to be agreeable and modest. - One that areequal, and it is build on Altruism and magnanimity.
So the one in the company of Sheich in a higher level than him, his manners should be leaving disagreement, and take every thing he does in a nice way, and accepting all his conditions by believe.
And if you accompany someone on your own level ; you should turn a blind eye on his defects. And try to interpret every thing he does in a nice way as much as you can, and if you fail then blame yourself and keep it to your self.
Some Scholars said: “Don’t accompany except two type of men: a man you learn something from him thatbenefits you in your religionor a man you teach some thing in his religion and he accepts.
My Dears: We remember a very serious situation: When he went to West Germany and stood next to Berlin Wall (separating the two Germans) and told those who are standing with him that those two Germans will be united. After some time the first brick to be broken from that wall was the same where he put his hands upon. This is not talking about miracles, but just as a challenge for the brains. He really deserved being admired by al Imam Fakhru Al din saying:
Qasida : (12) Verse (1, 2)
From the place of perfection and complete generosity ,Ibrahim is coming to you people.
So ask him the Savior on the Judgment day When even no intimate person could be asked.
And also said Qasida (12) Verse (12-14)
He [sch. Ibrahim] was given the secret of the secretsHe is full of Knowledge, and what awonderful Fullness.
Who see me on him will get my secret, In the fruits of his two gardens is a hidden secret
Within his wings (cover) is my Mercy And he contains within him the replacements of Parents to who lost them.
He used to humble himself to the extent that the one he is taking to don’t feel a difference between a very great holy Walli and a simple general Murid or a brother from the general brothers, so the fear goes away and vanish , and the simple easy taking starts, So Mawlanacan start asking him about his life and his children…
And He used to feel pain when he get to know that one of the brothers had a mishap;enough is what has been said in the hadith: S. : {even a brick of thorn of one of you I feel it).
And it is known about him, that he used to look after poor families, some time he even took the food to them by himself, without even the neighbors feel him.. And he used to help the one in need, and he used to pay out the one in debt, and he used to visit ill people, and he always advised to be good to your parents, and he used to till the Murshid to put within the hearts of the new comers of the Tariqa to put the perfect manners and the respect of the elderly.
And we will not forget his advises, which we still can hear its echo in our hearts, and here we are relive it when he said: (( I ask you to follow the following here very importantly, because you start a new era:
FIRST: Working after clear scientificstrategical plans that takes in notice the international environment and the technological development that the world is witnessing, and here I have to point out how important it is to get your work go through to the high committee in order to complete the circles of conciliation between the ones in charge of management in the Tariqa. The coordination of its work should be granted.
Second: The importance of working according to a scientific administrative system, that has the target of raising up the Human on its first priority.
Third: Taking care of creating fast communication canals between the different Zawiyas in all the domestics, all cities of the world and the presidency of the Tariqa in Khartoum and between each other, and working on getting updated to last development in that field.
Fourth: Working on creating a soul of harmony between the working groups, and not allowing to any different or conflicting groups to suppuratethe work.
Fifth: working on spreading and stressing the importance of purity (between each other) and avoiding disagreement and arguing as a very important factor to success in our work, and I remind of what Allah said about that: Surat Al-'Anfāl (8) Verse (46) {…, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage [you fail]..} and also of what our Sheich Mohamed Othman Abdu R. said:
Qasaid: 64 Verse (14)
If you knock the door of disagreement and arguing you will fail This is my talking make it as a cover.
And also his saying:
Qasaid: 37 Verse (21) If you come together based on love and mercifulness You can be sure to be connected because Allah has given me a lot
Sixth: working through lectures, lessons and murshids on stressing the importance of the Awrad, the A’kida [the belief], and making sure that is very clear how dangerous it is if the Qibla [the direction] is not united, and the Qibla [the direction] is the “Sheich”. You should work on correcting this understanding.
Seventh: Working on taking care of the Murid, getting him on the way, caring of him asking about him.
And then he (Sheich Ibrahim R. ) finished his will by saying:
“ I hope you understand this wills and the important meanings in it, and that you work with its light “
From the MiqdadIbn Al Aswad Al Kindyu R. he said: I heard the Prophet S. saying: {Allah will enter the word of Islam in every house on the earth , either with dignity and glory of someone or with demean of someone. Either Allah gloried them [people of the house] and make him from his people (Ahl Allah) so they become glory by him, or he demean them so they owe him (or. Become in his debt) }
And from his lineage the glorious We came, and with him (S.) to Allah the glorious we go, and towards his face is our direction, “Ya Aziz Fa lam Azal be EzzakaAzizanya Aziz” (Oh, you glorious, I am still with your glory glorious, oh you glorious).
So make our glory continuous , by the your connection we exist, because in you we hold firmly.
And finishing (at the End) … Prayers upon you, you dearest, with which [the prayers] we ask Allah to guide the people in charge to work on bringing the nation together. Because the Unity of the Line (being together) is in my system the pole of the religion, and my model is my Lord the Sheich of the Masakeen (the weeks)
And I wish you a happy year every year,
And salamuAlikumwaRahmatu Allah wabarakatuh.
We thank Allah, the Creator of dawn and morning, the reason of guide and rightness , who judged the dome and happiness, (he) honored and lifted high , spread and collected, joined and separated, prohibited and permit, owned and judged, rolled up and spread, created humans, created shadows, raised the sky and brought down Water, taught Adam the Asmas (the names), raise winds gave and granted, granted and admired, forgave who sinned, healed wonds, got the knowledge of past and present , created movement and calmness, and to him is the going back, settling in the morning and day. I witness his Wahdaniya(being the only God )by correct proofs, and that our master and intercessor Mohamed is his forward servant and his greatest messenger, and his honorable lover. Who we are ready to protect by our souls *S. … and also for Sidna Abu Bakr, his partner in the cave, and to Sidna Omar, the concur of countries, and to Sidna Othman, the martyr, and to Sidna Ali, the Father of al Hasaneen, the one that always charging on the enemy, and his Family the pure, the Stars.
And then:
Allah Said in the Quran>Surat Al-Ĥadīd(57) Verse (20) : {…And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.}
Know, may Allah help both of us, thatthe worldly life is a place of delusion, and it is a place to pass through not a place for ever stay. And life is full of continues trials and warnings, and the human is exposed for testing to learn, He is put under test and affliction wither with good or else, if it is a good thing we should be thankful, and if not then we should be patient. The Prophet*S.said [what is a surprise for the believer’s matters, all his matters are good, and this is only for the believer, if he receive good thing he is thankful, which is good for him, and if he receive misfortune he is patient, which is also good for him]
Ibn Abbas *Rsaid: that the prophet*Ssaid: [a lot of people are deceived by the two blessings health and free time]We waste a lot of our time, while we are in full health and power, without benefiting from it, or making any body else to benefit from it. And we don’t find out and appreciate it until we are ill or during illness, and inability to undertake important duty towards Allah. And we may get busy looking for money for us and our families until we miss a lot of what we should do. If the End comes, we regret. Allah Saied: Surat Al-Mu'minūn(23) Verse (99,100) {[For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back(99) That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind." No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected(100)}. And he also Said :Surat Al-Munāfiqūn (63) Verse (10){before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.}
Son of Adam, do you know what the Engel of death say when you are laid down to be prepared for barrier. He calls you and says: So deaf (you are now), where is your Hearing, so blind (you are now), where is your Seeing, So dumb where is your tongue, where is your good smell, what changed you, so poor (you are now) where is your money.And when your have been put in the grave the Engelcall you: Son of Adam, did you collect the worldly life or did the worldly life collected you, did you leave the world, or did the world left you, Son of Adam, where you prepared for death or where you taken by surprise. Son of Adam, you came from dust, and come back to dust, , Came from dust with no Sins, and went back full of Sins, after Barrier people left you to spend your first night (in the grave), the morning of which is the Judgment day, a night after which no call for Fajr Prayer, The prayer finished, the prayers finished, worshipping is finished, the call will come from Israfiel : saying: you eaten away bones, you scattered flesh, get up for judgment, in the presence of Allah.Allah Said: Surat Al-Kahf (18) Verse (99) {…and [then] the Horn will be blown, and We will assemble them in [one] assembly.} and he also says: Surat Al-Kahf (18) Verse (47) {…, and We will gather them and not leave behind from them anyone.}. When the first night in grave comes, you will be called on by the King of Kings, and the Owner off all Kingdoms, saying: Son of Adam: they went back and left you in the dust buried, and if they were stay, they went be of any help to you. It is only Me left for you the one who never dies. Son of Adam: who humble himself to Allah, he will raise him up, who think to much of himself Allah will lower him down.My worshipper, you obeyed us so we brought you nearer, you disobeyed us and We gave you more time, and if you come back we accept you, Me with human and Jin are in great matters, I create and then they worship others than me, I give and others than me are being thanked, My giving for the worshippers is coming down, and there evil is coming up to me, I show my love to them by my giving, and I am not in a need for anybody, Through Sins they go angry away from me and they are in need of me most, Who come back we call him from a near place, and who get far away from me I call him from so far,.People of Zekr are the people of my worshipping,People who are thankful to me, are the one who are getting more, People who obeys me, are the one who loves me, People who disobey me, I will still be merciful to them if they come back. And if they come back I am there Lover, I love who returns back from sinning, and the ones that get cleanse, And if they not come back, I am there mender, through mishap to cleanse them. A good doing worth Ten times and more, and one bad doing worth one alike and I forgive, I am more merciful to my worshippers, than a mother to her child,Allahuma (please Allah) forgive us so we may repent.
Lovers of the Prophet *S.
We always look for what we miss, and forget to be thankful for what we already have. We look for what has been taken away, and don’t look for what we have been given. Surat An-Naml (27) Verse (73) {And indeed, your Lord is full of bounty for the people, but most of them do not show gratitude.}.
You Believer know that Allah made you sad only to make you happier, and stopped giving only to give you more, make you weep to make you laugh. And refused to give you only to give you. Gave you mishap only because he loves you. So it is nice to be content by what Allah wants, and be grateful and thankful for every thing. . Allahamumma,the great nice thanking for you, Allahumma what I got is from you and you only , no equal to you. No one to worship but you, Praise to you , I was one of the oppressors .
Know that you can not receive what Allah have except by being obedient and patient inmishaps. We must look in ourselves, and judge ourselves, and get to our Religion’s Manners not just the Name. We say what the Islam says, but we moved away from it with our manners and understanding, and we used others than the Islam, and we all know that the core of Islam is being obedient to Allah, Hadith: Abu AmroSufianIbn Abdullah Al Thakafiwanted to know what is Islam, so he said to the Prophet *S: Tell me something about Islam so I don’t have to ask any body else after this than you. He (the Propeht S*) said:[Say I believe in Allah, and stay, and stay on that]
My Lovers,
Allah Says:Surat Al-Mā'idah (5) Verses (15,16) { … There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.(15) By which Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darknesses into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path.(16)} And He the almighty also says: Surat Al-'A`rāf (7) Verses (55,56) {Call upon your Lord in humility and privately; indeed, He does not like transgressors.(55) And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good.(56)}Corruption in this world has being until the coming prophet of mercy, so he lit the way and showed it to us, the devils of Jin and Human started of spreading different type of corruptions, Allah says: Surat Al-'An`ām (6) Verse (112,113) {And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.(112) And [it is] so the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter will incline toward it and that they will be satisfied with it and that they will commit that which they are committing.(113)}This Corruptionwether in the belief orin the manners, or thebehavior , or in the dealings or in anyway, any way of life ways, by sinning or disobeying Allah’s Shariaa. Allah Says: SuratAr-Rūm(30) Verse(41){Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]} Maybe the greatest (of that Corruption) isannouncing Polytheist, Some think that humanity can not stay on Al-Kitab( Quran) and As-Sunna, and they think that there is no need for them any more and they should be rejected, and other Low should be used.. All these are the Corruption that Allah prohibited and forbid.
Enemies of Islam wanted to spread the sins among our youth, by bringing them away from the right path, by making the dirty deeds look beautiful and seducible. It is nice to a see a good young man with a good will, holding the love of his Prophet *S and people can see this in his good manners and behavior, but it is more beautiful for the Muslim to tell the truth. And the noblest type of truth is with Allah, in a way that his Inside is more beautiful than the outside, and his lonely time with Allah is more beautiful (truthful) than when it public to every one, and I warn you brother, to put Allah in a place that as if he is the most easy one to disobey. And to answer the call of the devil.““ don’t be a very loud enemy to Iblis (the Devil ) in the Crowd, and a friend of him in the private”” Allah said :Surat An-Nisā' (4) Verse (108) {They conceal [their evil intentions and deeds] from the people, but they cannot conceal [them] from Allah , and He is with them [in His knowledge]} This sins which are done privately are the most damaging, and burn away good doings. It was said about the Prophet *S. that he said:[I know about people from my nation that come on the Judgment day with good deeds, like the white Mountains of Tehamaa (a place) and Allah turn it into a fine dust… ]So the sahabiThawban asked the Prophet *S. to describe them, so they can make sure they are not one of them, so he said: [They are your brothers from your own skin, and they take from the night as much as you do, but when they are by themselves they break Allah’s prohibited (what Allah prohibited to do)].
Allahumma(please Allah) don’t let us be one of those. But make us from: Quran: Surat Al-Mulk (67) Verses (12,13){ …,those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and great reward.(12) And conceal your speech or publicize it; indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts.(13)}
When you close your doors, and bring down your curtains, and be away from people eyes, don’t forget, and remember the one you could not hide away from. Remember who can see and hear the movement of a blackAnt, in the middle of a dark night, on a solid Rock ,Subhanu the honorable.
My Brothers and My Sisters.
Allah says: SuratFāţir(35) Verse(32){Then we caused to inherit the Book those We have chosen of Our servants; and among them is he who wrongs himself, and among them is he who is moderate, and among them is he who is foremost in good deeds by permission of Allah . That [inheritance] is what is the great bounty.} Allah created Human with the love of good deeds, and put within us a Lion which is ready to jump on to good doings, we should inspire him (that lion), and makes him come out, we also have within us a good nice forgivable human being, we suppose to discover him, a human that carry with him all meaning of humanity, such as mercy, nice peaceful, forgivable, good doing, but the busy worldly life could change us, that we could forget ourselves and oppress ourselves, and we are looking for safety and to get that great honor of good doing, how could we do that?Allah put some conditions when he says: Surat Al-Mu'minūn (23) Verses (57-61) {Indeed, they who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord(57) And they who believe in the signs of their Lord (58) And they who do not associate anything with their Lord (59) And they who give what they give while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord –(60) It is those who hasten to good deeds, and they outstrip [others] therein.(61)}
Hadith: SittunaAisha*R.said: she asked him (the Prophet) about that Verse: are these the onesdrinkingalcohols and steal from people?He *S.said: [ no Daughter of the Siddik, they are the ones who fast, pray, and give sadaka, and they are afraid that it may be not accepted from them, these are the ones who harry to do good things] InthatmeaningAl Imam Al Hasan Al Bisri said: “the believeris who have Ihsanand fear, and the hypocrite has Bad doing and peace.”
They are (those good poepole) with there good deeds, and believes and good doings, still fear from Allah. And these are the Ones already Allah gave them happiness, and getting this happiness will not come without the fear, and dedication in doing what you suppose to do or you ordered to do, and distance yourselves from the sins. this is the description of those who harry in good doings and some of their merits, and what lead you to it. What is left now is to follow this knowledge with deeds, May Allah make us of them.
Dear Lovers,
Tens of Verses of Quran came calling for a fellowship and its manners, and followed by Hadiths from the Prophet*S. both kinds of themQuduseya(tellings about Allah) and Nabaweya( directly from the Prophet) telling us about the importance of the fellowship and getting good manners. Until every one that got Muslim in the time of the Prophet *S. got the Honor of the felloship. They are the Sahabas, the chosen people, they are the follower for the best of the creation and the love of Allah. He *S. was the Best Sahabi to his Sahabaand his community. And he is the great example in the benefit for the people and community, as he was described by Saiyda Khadija mother of the Believers:“You keep in touch with your family, and carry the hardship, and you give who in need, host guests, and give help to people in Hardships.”
And The Prophet *S. described a good friend as a man carrying Musk, you get from his nice smell, because of what he have of good manners; he asks you to do the good, and till you not to do the bad, . He *S. said.:{the Example of a good company and a bad company is like who is carrying Musk and the one melting Metall. The one carrying Musk either he give you or you buy from him or you smell his nice smell. The one who is melting metal, either he burns your clothes or you get his bad smell. }
Al Imam Al Kushayri Said: a company (fellowship) has 3 types: - One higher than you, which is actually a service- One is below you ; and for the higher one he has to be merciful and kind and the one below has to be agreeable and modest. - One that areequal, and it is build on Altruism and magnanimity.
So the one in the company of Sheich in a higher level than him, his manners should be leaving disagreement, and take every thing he does in a nice way, and accepting all his conditions by believe.
And if you accompany someone on your own level ; you should turn a blind eye on his defects. And try to interpret every thing he does in a nice way as much as you can, and if you fail then blame yourself and keep it to your self.
Some Scholars said: “Don’t accompany except two type of men: a man you learn something from him thatbenefits you in your religionor a man you teach some thing in his religion and he accepts.
My Dears: We remember a very serious situation: When he went to West Germany and stood next to Berlin Wall (separating the two Germans) and told those who are standing with him that those two Germans will be united. After some time the first brick to be broken from that wall was the same where he put his hands upon. This is not talking about miracles, but just as a challenge for the brains. He really deserved being admired by al Imam Fakhru Al din saying:
Qasida : (12) Verse (1, 2)
From the place of perfection and complete generosity ,Ibrahim is coming to you people.
So ask him the Savior on the Judgment day When even no intimate person could be asked.
And also said Qasida (12) Verse (12-14)
He [sch. Ibrahim] was given the secret of the secretsHe is full of Knowledge, and what awonderful Fullness.
Who see me on him will get my secret, In the fruits of his two gardens is a hidden secret
Within his wings (cover) is my Mercy And he contains within him the replacements of Parents to who lost them.
He used to humble himself to the extent that the one he is taking to don’t feel a difference between a very great holy Walli and a simple general Murid or a brother from the general brothers, so the fear goes away and vanish , and the simple easy taking starts, So Mawlanacan start asking him about his life and his children…
And He used to feel pain when he get to know that one of the brothers had a mishap;enough is what has been said in the hadith: S. : {even a brick of thorn of one of you I feel it).
And it is known about him, that he used to look after poor families, some time he even took the food to them by himself, without even the neighbors feel him.. And he used to help the one in need, and he used to pay out the one in debt, and he used to visit ill people, and he always advised to be good to your parents, and he used to till the Murshid to put within the hearts of the new comers of the Tariqa to put the perfect manners and the respect of the elderly.
And we will not forget his advises, which we still can hear its echo in our hearts, and here we are relive it when he said: (( I ask you to follow the following here very importantly, because you start a new era:
FIRST: Working after clear scientificstrategical plans that takes in notice the international environment and the technological development that the world is witnessing, and here I have to point out how important it is to get your work go through to the high committee in order to complete the circles of conciliation between the ones in charge of management in the Tariqa. The coordination of its work should be granted.
Second: The importance of working according to a scientific administrative system, that has the target of raising up the Human on its first priority.
Third: Taking care of creating fast communication canals between the different Zawiyas in all the domestics, all cities of the world and the presidency of the Tariqa in Khartoum and between each other, and working on getting updated to last development in that field.
Fourth: Working on creating a soul of harmony between the working groups, and not allowing to any different or conflicting groups to suppuratethe work.
Fifth: working on spreading and stressing the importance of purity (between each other) and avoiding disagreement and arguing as a very important factor to success in our work, and I remind of what Allah said about that: Surat Al-'Anfāl (8) Verse (46) {…, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage [you fail]..} and also of what our Sheich Mohamed Othman Abdu R. said:
Qasaid: 64 Verse (14)
If you knock the door of disagreement and arguing you will fail This is my talking make it as a cover.
And also his saying:
Qasaid: 37 Verse (21) If you come together based on love and mercifulness You can be sure to be connected because Allah has given me a lot
Sixth: working through lectures, lessons and murshids on stressing the importance of the Awrad, the A’kida [the belief], and making sure that is very clear how dangerous it is if the Qibla [the direction] is not united, and the Qibla [the direction] is the “Sheich”. You should work on correcting this understanding.
Seventh: Working on taking care of the Murid, getting him on the way, caring of him asking about him.
And then he (Sheich Ibrahim R. ) finished his will by saying:
“ I hope you understand this wills and the important meanings in it, and that you work with its light “
From the MiqdadIbn Al Aswad Al Kindyu R. he said: I heard the Prophet S. saying: {Allah will enter the word of Islam in every house on the earth , either with dignity and glory of someone or with demean of someone. Either Allah gloried them [people of the house] and make him from his people (Ahl Allah) so they become glory by him, or he demean them so they owe him (or. Become in his debt) }
And from his lineage the glorious We came, and with him (S.) to Allah the glorious we go, and towards his face is our direction, “Ya Aziz Fa lam Azal be EzzakaAzizanya Aziz” (Oh, you glorious, I am still with your glory glorious, oh you glorious).
So make our glory continuous , by the your connection we exist, because in you we hold firmly.
And finishing (at the End) … Prayers upon you, you dearest, with which [the prayers] we ask Allah to guide the people in charge to work on bringing the nation together. Because the Unity of the Line (being together) is in my system the pole of the religion, and my model is my Lord the Sheich of the Masakeen (the weeks)
And I wish you a happy year every year,
And salamuAlikumwaRahmatu Allah wabarakatuh.