إغلاق القائمة
إغلاق القائمة
نعتذر فقد تم نقل الموضوع ; الرجاء زيارة الارشيف! الأرشيف

الجمعة، 16 مارس 2018

The translation of the Qasida no 17- Sharab Alwasl By: Abdelhameed Babiker

The translation of the Qasida no 17- Sharab Alwasl By: Abdelhameed Babiker
ترجمة القصيدة رقم ١٧ (جل من يحي علوما) من ديوان شراب الوصل  لسيدي فخر الدين رضي الله عنه The translation of the Qasida no 17 (Jalla man yuhyee oulooman) From Sharab Alwasl  of Sidi Fakhreddin r.a.a. By: Abdelhameed Babiker

ترجمة القصيدة رقم ١٧ (جل من يحي علوما)
من ديوان شراب الوصل
لسيدي فخر الدين رضي الله عنه
The translation of the Qasida no 17
(Jalla man yuhyee oulooman)
From Sharab Alwasl
of Sidi Fakhreddin r.a.a.
By: Abdelhameed Babiker

جَلَّ مَنْ يُحْيِي عُلُوماً   * * *   بَعْدَمَا بَلَغَتْ عِتِيَّا
Exalted be the one who revives knowledges * so long after they reached extreme life

أَيُّهَا الأَحْبَابُ هَاكُمْ   * * *   مِنْ كَمَالاَتِي فَتِيَّا
O beloved, here take * from my forceful wholenesses

كُلُّ مَا يُدْعَى بِعِلْمٍ   * * *   دُونَ عِلْمِ اللَّهِ غَيَّا
Whatever is supposed to be knowledge * confronting the knowledge of Allah is a temptation

إِنَّ عِلْمِي فِي الأَعَالِي   * * *   كَانَ اسْماً أَو سَمِيَّا
Sure, my knowledge in heavens ***ever is a name or a named after

مِنْ عُلُومِي فِي الْفَيَافِي   * * *   يَطْلُبُ الظَمآنُ رَيَّا
From my knowledges in the deserts * the thirsty seeks quenching

طَيُّ مَا أَحْبُوهُ عِلْمٌ   * * *   فِيهِ يُطْوَى الْكُلُّ طَيَّا
In the folds of what I present * is a knowledge interior to which all is covered

مَن يَرُومُ الْعِلْمَ عِنْدِي   * * *   يَجْتَنِي رُطَباً جَنِيَّا
He who looks for knowledge from me * reaps ripe fresh dates

قَدْ حُبِيتُ الْعِلْمَ لَمَّا   * * *   كُنْتُ فِي مَهْدِي صَبِيَّا
I were gifted the knowledge when * I were in my cradle an infant

فَاتَّبِعْنِي يَا مُرِيدِي   * * *   أُهْدِكَ الْعِلْمَ السَّوِيَّا
So, follow me my follower * I present you the proportioned knowledge

هَذِهِ أَوْصَافُ عِلْمِي   * * *   يَا مُرِيدِي فَتَهَيَّا
These are the features of my knowledge * O my follower, so be prepared

إِنَّنِي مِن فَضْلِ رَبِّي   * * *   حَيْثُ تَرْجُونِي سَوِيَّا
Sure, I by the grace of my Lord * wherever you expect me, am proportioned

يَا مُرِيدَ الْغَيْرِ عِنْدِي   * * *   كَانَ ذَا شَيْئاً فَرِيَّا
O who looks for the other , this * in my rules ever is a slander matter

كُلُّ مَنْ جَافَى أَمِينِي   * * *   لَيْتَهُ مَا كَان شَيَّا
Whoever abandons my trustee * wish he were nothing

كُلُّ مَنْ يَعْصِي عَلِيماً   * * *   كَانَ لِلْمَوْلَى عَصِيَّا
Whoever disobeys a knowledgeable * he is indeed a disobedient of the Lord

ذَا أَمِينِي لَوْ عَلِمْتُمْ   * * *   كَانَ مِنْ فَضْلِي سَرِيَّا
This is my trustee, if would know * ever  by my favour is a stream

هَلْ عَسَيْتُم إِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ   * * *   رَبَّكُمْ تَلْقَوْنَ رَيَّا
Have you hoped that if you thank * your Lord you will receive quenching

يَا ضِعَافَ الْعَزْمِ هَلاَّ   * * *   تَقْصِدُوا عَبْداً تَقِيَّا
O the ones with weak will, couldn't you * seek a devout servant

صَاحِبِي مَنْ قِيلَ عَنْهُ   * * *   كَانَ صِدّيقاً نَبِيَّا
My companion, is that who is said about him * ever was a truthful man and a prophet

فِي مَقَامِ الْقُرْبِ إِنَّا   * * *   نَلْتَقِي طَابَتْ نَدِيَّا
At the position of closeness we * meet, been pleasing by gerousity

ذَا شَرَابُ الْحَضْرَتَيْنِ   * * *   كَانَ لِي شِرْباً صَفِيَّا
This is the drink of the two assemblies (hadhra's) * it is being to me a pure drink

لَو تُغَشَّى الشَّمْسُ سِرّى   * * *   أَصْبَحَتْ سِرّاً خَفِيَّا
If sun is covered by my secret  * it becomes a hidden secret

كُلُّ مَنْ يُرْضِيهِ قَوْلِي   * * *   كَانَ مَحْبُوباً حَظِيَّا
Whoever my speech pleases * Sure, becomes a privilege beloved

كُلُّ مَنْ يَأْتِي فَقِيراً   * * *   عِنْدَنَا يُضْحِي غَنِيَّا
Whoever comes to us poor * with us turns into rich

أَيُّهَا الْمَسْؤُلُ عَنِّي   * * *   إِنَّ سِرّى فِي ذَوِيَّا
O he who is questioned about me * my secret is in my relatives

كَانَ سِرِّي فِي بُطُونٍ   * * *   أُودِعَتْ غَيْباً خَبِيَّا
Ever, my secret is being in interiors * that been embodied a concealed secret

قُلْتُ لَمَّا حَانَ حِينِي   * * *   كَانَ بِي رَبِّي حَفِيَّا
I said, when my  time came * my Lord has been to me gracious

يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ زِدْنِي   * * *   يَا عَطُوفاً يَا حَنِيَّا
O the Messenger of Allah give me extra * O you the kind the merciful

قَدْ كَتَمْتُ الْقَوْمَ سِرّاً   * * *   عِنْدَمَا خَلَصُوا نَجِيَّا
I withheld a secret from the people * when they secluded in confidential talk 

مَنْ صَفَا مِنْ كُلِّ ظُلْمٍ   * * *   كَان لِلْمَوْلَى وَلِيَّا
He who clears from any injustice * he then, surely, becomes a friend of Allah

بَحْرُ عِلْمِي مَنْ يَرِدْهُ   * * *   لاَ يَجِدْ فِيهِ طَرِيَّا
The ocean of my knowledge, he who arrives at will not * find into it a supple substance

عِلْمِيَ الْمَوْهُوبُ لَكِنْ   * * *   لاَ أُلَقّيهِ شَقِيَّا
My knowledge is the granted, but * I do not deliver it to any unfortunate

كُلُّ مَا يَخْشَاهُ حِبِّي   * * *   كَانَ مِنْ سِرّى رَمِيَّا
Everything that my lover fears * ever is by my secret stroke

لَوْ عَزَيْتُمْ كُلَّ فَضْلٍ   * * *   لِي يَنَلْ نَسَباً عَلِيَّا
If you refer any favour to me * it receives a high level attribution

عِنْدَمَا كِدْنَا لِيُوسُفَ   * * *   يَوْمَهَا كِدْنَا سَوِيَّا
When we plotted for Joseph * that day, we did plot together

قُلْ لِمَزْكُوِم الْمَعَانِي   * * *   عِنْدَنَا تَلْقَى شَذِيَّا
Tell that who lacks smelling the meanings * with us you find fragrant (meanings)

مِنْ رِيَاضِ الْقُرْبِ عِلْمِي   * * *   كَانَ مَخْتُوماً نَقِيَّا
From the gardens of closeness my knowledge * ever been sealed and pure

يَا أَبَا الْعَيْنَيْنِ أَنْتُمْ   * * *   لَوْ تَأَمَّلْنَا مَلِيَّا
O Aba Alainain, You * if we think deep

مَحْضُ فَضْلِ اللَّهِ طُرّاً   * * *   مَنْ جَفَا وَافَى طَوِيَّا
The pure favour of Allah absolutely * who he abandons, he meets hunger

أيُّهَا الْمَوْلُودُ شَيْخاً   * * *   وَاصِلاً يَأْبَى رُقِيَّا
O who were born a leader * and a reacher not seeking advancement

أَيُّهَا الْمَوْرُودُ حوْضاً   * * *   رَامَهُ كُلٌّ جِثِيَّا
O whose pond is arrived at * all they seek it bending on the knees

أَيُّهَا الْمَجْمُوعُ فَرْداً   * * *   جَامِعاً لِلْكُلِّ فَيَّا
O who is assembled and unique * comprehending all and overshadowing 

أَيُّهَا الْمَوْصُولُ سِرّاً   * * *   كَانَ دَوْماً سَرْمَدِيَّا
O whose secret is connected * ever always been perpetual

أَيُّهَا الْمَنْظُومُ دُرّاً   * * *   يَا كَبِيراً قَادِرِيَّا
O whore pearl is proportioned * O great Gadire'ian

أَيُّهَا الْمَخْتُومُ صِرْفاً   * * *   أَحْمَدِيّاً شَاذُلِيَّا
O the purely sealed ** Ahmed'ian Shazuli'ia

أَيُّهَا الْمَحْمُودُ عَهْداً   * * *   عِنْدَ مَنْ جَازَ الثُّرَيَّا
O the praised covenant * with the one who surpassed the Pleiades

أَيُّهَا الْمَأْمُولُ عَوْناً   * * *   فِي مُلِمَّاتٍ قَوِيَّا
O of the inspired assistance * at severe disasters

أَيُّهَا الْمَعْصُومُ جَدّاً   * * *   دُونَهُ الأَعْنَاقُ لَيَّا
O whom grandfather is preserved * to him all bend in obedience

أَيُّهَا الْمَسْلُولُ سَيْفاً   * * *   مِنْ لَظَى الأَسْمَا حَمِيَّا
O whose unsheathed sword is  * overheated by the blazing of the Names

أَيُّهَا الْمَسْلُوكُ دَرْباً   * * *   كَانَ عَنْ غَيْرِي خَبِيَّا
O whose followed path * ever been hidden for others but me

مَنْ يَفُز بِالْوَصْلِ زُلْفَى   * * *   كَانَ بَعْدَ الْمَوْتِ حَيَّا
He who attains connection nearer * Sure will be after death, alive

قَدْ دَرَأْتَ الْغَيْرَ عَنَّا   * * *   وَاكْتَويَ الْمَغْبُونُ كَيَّا
You hindered the other from us * and the prejudiced burns hardly

قَدْ سَخِرْتُمْ أَهْلَ هَجْرِي   * * *   أَنْتُمُ الْيَوْمَ بُكِيَّا
Indeed, O those with abandonment by me you moked * today you are mourners

كُلُّ مَنْ رَامَ التَّجَافِي   * * *   بَاتَ مَذْمُوماً خَزِيَّا
Whoever seeks abandonment * he becomes dispraised and abjective

سَيّدَاتُ الْكَوْنِ كُلٌّ   * * *   أُعْطِيَتْ فَضْلاً حَبِيَّا
The mistresses of the universe, each * were given a countless favour

فَالَّتِي طَلَبَتْ نَجَاةً   * * *   قَدْ حَبَاهَا مُوسَوِيَّا
The one who asked a escape * He gifted her a Moussaoui

أُخْتَ هَارُونَ حَبَاهَا   * * *   اللَّهُ نُوراً عِيسَوِيَّا
The sister of Aaron was excessively given * by Allah a Jesusian light

فَهِْي أُخْتٌ لِي وَأُمُّ الطُّهْرِ   * * *   مَا كَانَت بَغِيَّا
Really, she is a sister of mine, the mother of virtue * had never been an adulteress

أُمُّنَا الزَّهْرَاءُ ذَاتُ الْ   * * *   إِجْتِبَا نُوراً ثَنِيَّا
Our mother Al Zahraa having  * the choice, a praised light

يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ يَا مَنْ   * * *   خَصَّ بِالزَّهْرَا عَلِيَّا
O the Messenger of Allah who * allotted with Alzahraa, Ali

بِنْتُ مَنْ خُصَّتْ بِخَيُرِ الْـ   * * *   ـخَلْقِ بَدْءاً أَوَّلِيَّا
The daughter of who was allotted with the best of * the creation initiately and primarily

أَعْطَتِ الزَّهْرَا عَظِيمَيْن   * * *   وَمَا انتَبَذتْ قَصِيَّا
Alzahraa provided two magnificents * and she had not withdrawn remotely

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